What Makes Us Happy?

During our exploration of what generosity means to the children the concept that kept coming up was that being generous makes them happy. They also identified that being generous makes the person who receives the generosity happy.

To delve into this idea before moving on to things like "who do we give to" and "what would make that person happy" we brain stormed what makes each of us happy first.

The list we created included things like: Christmas, ice cream, family, nature, hugs, going to the playground, presents, trees, travelling, skiing, the beach, hiking, silly faces, candy, nana's house, dinosaurs, Halloween, swimming and time with friends.

The children began to notice that many of the same things that made them happy, made some of their friends happy. But not all the same things made everyone happy. Some people didn't like skiing, and other people didn't like dinosaurs.

To represent this discovery we decided to show our findings on a graph:


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